Gina Goodloe
ISSA/NCCPT Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist

Helpful Forms

The following forms are designed to help us work together more easily. When you set up your consultation, I will need the Client Intake form, Intended Outcomes Form, and the Par-Q Questionnaire printed, filled out, and brought with you. I might be able to make exceptions for you to fill out and email me the forms, but please ask me prior to do this. 

Your privacy is of the upmost importance to me. None of your information will be sold or given to a third party without your prior consent. Your ability to trust me is my priority, and I will earn it with my actions and my words.  If you are taken on as a new client, I will inform you what other forms need to be completed prior to your first full training session. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. I hope we will be able to work together soon!

Client Intake Form

If you are a first-time client, please print this form, complete it, and bring it along to our first session.

Intended Outcomes Form

This form will help you clarify your goals for your overall health and vitality, including our time together.

Par Q Questionnaire

This form is a general questionnaire to determine if a medical release will be required prior to participating in a new workout program. This will be one of the initial consult forms required.

Five Principle Physical Components of Fitness

This is a good read for anyone. No need to print this unless you want to have it. Please know, a positive attitude is a MUST to work with me!

Training Purchase Agreement

This is the contract for the services to be provided by the trainer (me) and to be paid for by the trainee (you).

Screening Questionnaire

General Screening Questions.

Progress Chart

This chart is to build better habits and track your progress. I will recommend an app that can help with this, however, if a paper form would work better, this will need to be printed and brought to each session.

Medical Release

To be filled out by your physician. Just letting me know that you are good to go.

Medical History

This will determine if there are any other limitations or barriers to your training program. Don't worry, we can overcome!

Informed Consent

Acknowledgement of risks and benefits associated with a workout program.

Confidentiality Agreement

Confidentiality Agreement for new clients.

Comprehensive Client Information

This form is an in-depth information demographic for new clients.

Client Dietary Worksheet

General worksheet providing space to calculate daily fat, carb, and protein intake.

3 Day Dietary Record

I will recommend an app you can download to track your food intake. However, if that is not an option, please print this form so we can track 3 days of food intake.

Health History Questionnaire

Basic exercise history information.

Medical History

Basic medical History Questionnaire.

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